

Artificial pupal cells (chambers) from floral foam for beetles (video tutorial)

At the very start, when a pupal chamber made in substrate by one of my rainbow stag larvae collapsed, I simply did not know what to do. Later, I discovered that there is a possibility of making pupal chambers using either soil, clay or floral foam. However, there was not much information regarding how to make them, so I had to experiment myself, using intuition and any "internet based" experience.  Floral foam, which can be bought cheaply on ebay, was more appealing as "cleaner" stuff, so it became my first choice material. Since then I use floral foam chambers on a regular basis, and found that the rate of survival of many beetles is often much higher than leaving them in their natural cells.  Very often larvae construct their chambers at the very bottom of the substrate where is a high chance of the accumulation of the excessive moisture, which often leads to the poor air exchange and development of the mold and fungi. This is particularly relevant for stag beetle larvae which are normally kept in smaller containers, such as plastic pots or glass (kinshi) jars , and the air circulation in such smaller containers is very poor. Big beetle species, the larvae of which pupate in large boxes are normally not affected, because the good air circulation in bigger volumes prevents moisture from accumulation at the bottom of the containers.

After trying such artificial cells with several beetles I came to the following conclusions:

1) it is best to put the larva which has already molted into a pupa, or at least an immobile larva that undergoing its last stages before the transformation.  The mobile larvae will most likely try to dig itself into the foam and will eventually die. If such larvae is places back into the substrate it will not be able to create another chamber due to lack of energy and will die because of exhaustion.  

2) the size and shape of the pupa should resemble their natural chamber by size and shape as close as possible. In this case take an approximate measurement of the cell from which the larva was removed. If you make the chamber too big, the freshly molted beetle may not be able to flip over, which is necessary for it to pull its flying wings under the elytra. Although most of the natural chambers are positioned very close to horizontal position, some of the species construct chambers with a significant angle or even almost vertical chambers, e.g. Allomyrina dichotoma, so this needs to be taken into the account when constructing the chambers. 

3) Natural chambers, are covered by the layer of soil, which prevent them from complete drying. Artificial chambers can easily dry out even through the small ventilation holes in low humidity surroundings. It is important to maintain the level humidity similar to the one required for the certain.

Here is a short video how I make pupal chambers for my beetles.

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September 2016 sale list (updated 18.09.2016)

Dynastes hercules hercules- L1                 £7 each or 10 for £65
*Dynastes hercules hercules- mid L2         £8  each (~5-7 left)
*Dynastes hyllus hyllus- late L3                £5 each (only 2 male larvae left)
 Dynastes maya-  L1-L2 (RARE!!!)             £16 each or 10 for 140 (~10 left)

*Megasoma elephas elephas- L2               £8 each or 10 for £70
*Megasoma actaeon- late L3                    £15 each (2 male 70+g larvae left)
*Megasoma gyas porioni–mid L3               £13 each, sexed pair (m+f) £25
*Megasoma gyas porionilate L3               £18 each, sexed pair (m+f) £35
*Megasoma Anubis- L2    SALE!!!               £14each or 10 for £120
Goliathus orientalis preissi- L1                   £10 each or 10 for £70
*Goliathus orientalis preissi- L3, 20g+                 £14 each or 10 for £110
*Goliathus orientalis preissi- big L3 sexed pair (30g+, male+female) £28 each
                                         big L3 trio (male+2 females)           £40each

Allomyrina dichotoma dichotoma   ~12 late L1 early L3 left, whole lot for £35 
Dynastes granti- L1                                           £5.5 each or 10 for £50 
Rainbow stag beetle - 
fresh adult pair with mid size male (pair on photo) - £33
*- determining sex of the larvae is possible
Payment is by paypal or bank transfer.
Postage:(Based on ~0.5 Kg parcel (prices may vary for different countries or orders)
Recorded postage: UK - £5, Europe - £12, rest of the world -£14.
Regular postage (at buyer's risk only): UK - £4, Europe-£7, rest of the world £9
Postage outside the EU: at buyer’s risk only
Ordering:  Please inquire about the items you would like to purchase, as they may become unavailable or prices may change.  You will receive the total for your order, no strings attached. Further discount is possible for big orders.

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Lucanus cervus subspecies

   European stag  beetle, Lucanus cervus cervus is definitely the biggest and one of the most remarkable European beetle. A major male of the stag beetle has impressive mandibules (horns), while females have smaller body and short and strong mandibules. Some exceptionally big males can reach up to 90 mm in size, although normally the size of the males is in the range of 50-70 mm. The females are much smaller, 35-50 mm.  There is a quite strong population of these beetles in the UK; with patchy distribution in Southern part of the country.   Interestingly, if continental Lucanus cervus cervus population is normally associated with woodlands and forests, UK population of the beetle is often associated with  urban gardens, suggesting their importance in preserving populations of this stag beetle species. The development of the larvae of the beetle can take 2-5 years in nature and I understand that the speed of the development similarly to tropical stag beetles often depends on the temperature and nutritional value of the substrate into which eggs were deposited by the stag beetle females. 
   Although Luncanus cervus cervus species is protected in most of the European countries, which prevents their trade and exploiting of their natural populations, it is my understanding that it is not illegal to handle wild caught specimen or even raise the larvae, if they found not in protected habitat in some European countries. I observed adult beetles flying on a warm spring night in our back garden in south London several times with occasional beetle landing/falling onto ground
With continuous interest to this big stag beetle, quite recently live specimen of other subspecies or variations of subspecies of Lucanus cervus became available on Asian hobbyist market. These are Lucanus cervus akbesianus, which is considered as variation of Lucanus cervus ssp. turcicus (Sturm, 1843, antennal club of 6 segments) and Lucanus cervus ssp. judaicus (Planet, 1900, antennal club of 4 segments). Since the area of habbitat occasionally overlap for some of these subspecies/variations, there is a possibility of obtaining a wrongly identified specimen. Therefore an easy identification key could be helpful when such specimen are obtained. 
   Here I found an interesting  diagram showing the characteristics of the shape of manidbules in different ssp/variations. This one could be very useful when obtaining live specimen to confirm their taxonomic position.  
It is my understanding that breeding of protected Lucanus cervus cervus in captivity from generation to generation so far was not extremely successful, so there is still a lot to learn about their breeding specifics. One of the most restricting factors is a limited number of the specimen which can be obtained for such studies. Often, such specimen originate from one heavily inbred population, which would contribute negatively to the survival rate of the captive bred specimen. It is quite possible that using other readily available Lucanus cervus ssp as a model could be very beneficial for learning insights into the raising protected lucanus cervus cervus and restoring their population in nature.

Here are some very interesting reads about  Lucanus cervus.

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The Beauty Of Creating Breast Cancer Survivor Jewelry

By Thomas Young

Each year, close to quarter a million women are diagnosed with breast cancer worldwide. This is one of the most challenging conditions that anyone can deal with. The only great thing about the condition is that if it is diagnosed early enough, the disease is not as life-threatening as it becomes when it advances to later stages. This is why researchers are always coming up with ways of detecting the early stages of the disease and treating it in time. Awareness about breast cancer has also become a very important part of the fight. One of the ways that have picked up popularity is the creation of breast cancer survivor jewelry.

The campaign is designed with the aim of creating awareness about the condition and also encouraging women to go for the mammograms. It is paramount for each woman that is at or past the reproductive age to be checked. The purpose of creating the awareness is letting women learn about the early symptom, consequences, and the medical interventions that are available.

This cancerous disease has been around for quite a while now. However, for many decades, women felt ashamed of discussing ailments relating to their reproductive parts. It is through these campaigns that women are getting the courage to discuss their survivor status and encourage others to seek treatment before it is too late.

To make the campaign yield fruits, there has been numerous merchandise for sale. These are things like wristbands among other things. The products are made of pink as this is the color that is associated with the ailment. There numerous ribbons and bands that have slogan written on them and are the common way that people can use to send the message.

However, now people are pushing past the horizon as they target to reach out to as many people are possible. It is no wonder the use of t-shirts, caps, and even mugs have now reached the market. Purchasing these products is not only a way that you can pass the message, but also a way that you can make a donation to an organization and help in fighting the ailment.

Before one buys the product, it is paramount for them to ask the reason that they need to make the purchase. Think about the group that is making the product and whether they are spreading the message. Ensure that you buy products that do not make a difference.

The other thing that you need to think about when making the purchase is whether you will manage to send out the message in a morally satisfying manner. The social media and TV have led to the glamorization of the disease whereby people view it as a cool illness. However, the campaign route you take should never underscore the seriousness of the disease.

Discussed are some of the things that you need to know about when it comes to ductal carcinoma jewelry and creating awareness. Note that the purpose is not only to support the course but also make sure that you have created awareness. Do your research about the campaigns that are genuine before purchasing any product.

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Trade sale exchange feedback post

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Breast Cancer Survivor Jewelry And Their Importance

By Diane Williams

In North America, cases of breast cancer are the most reported after skin cancer. Of all the cases reported, less than thirty percent of those are connected to the bosom. There is no known cure to this condition. However, if the cancerous cells are discovered early enough, there are higher chances of the patient surviving. To give then solace, victors are provided with Breast Cancer Survivor Jewelry.

Those suffering from the condition usually suffer from stress. Medical checkups usurp almost all their economic strength. The situation is so serious that it takes them a very long time whilst still on the path of recovery. Realizing true happiness is often difficult. Nonetheless, offering comforting words will help them find the grin in life.

The distress that recovered patients go through as they fight the disease is a chapter in their lives that they will forever have a story to talk about. The phrase Winner was adopted to present them with a common avenue that they could talk about issues they encountered and what the future holds for them. This term was used for those who enjoyed freedom from the signs of cancer for half a decade.

American women suffering from the condition face their fair share of stigmatization. This ill view by the society makes them fearful of even emerging in front of the public eye. Survivor jewelry is made to enable them see the brighter side of life. Furthermore, these items remind them that they are not the only persons facing the adversity. As a result, they begin to be hopeful.

The ladies infected are not the only persons feeling the blow of the situation. The situation also affects the people allied to the patient as well. If you think they too do not deserve the jewelry, think again. The necklaces and bracelets also play a key role in bringing back hope that their relative, friend or colleague will recover. This hope trickles down to the infected patient and it brings optimism.

Emerging victorious with such a condition is difficult. With surviving not enough, survivors need also worry about leading a healthy life. Morale support gives a patient strength needed to undergo the numerous medical procedures of which the patient is oblivious of whether the result will be positive or negative. Regardless, jewelry should be p[provided to offer comfort.

Having your breast removed to stop the spread of cancer is a trying situation that makes a lot of women view themselves with a pang of inferiority. This lowers their ego and eventually their spirits go down. By them wearing the jewelry, they will continually be encouraged and reminded that there is more to life than just grief caused by the breast removal.

Some women can survive through the battle with cancer though they can at the end be infertile. This infertility makes them unable to give birth; something which brings hopelessness despite the fact that their survival. In order to recollect themselves, they need the necklaces, bracelets and other jewelry to forever remind them that the victory against the cancerous cells that they have achieved is just amazing and not usually achievable.

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August 2016 sale list (updated 05.08.2016)

*Dynastes hercules hercules- mid L2          £8.5 each or 10 for £80 (~20 left)
*Dynastes hercules hercules- early L3         £12 each or 10 for £110 (~10 left)
*Dynastes hyllus hyllus- late L3                 £5 each (only 2 male larvae left)
Megasoma elephas elephas- L1                  £7.5 each or 10 for £70
*Megasoma actaeon- mid L3                      £14 each (~5 left)
*Megasoma gyas porioni–early to mid L3               £13 each or 10 for £115
*Megasoma gyas porioni–mid L3                 £18 each or 10 for £160
Megasoma Anubis- L1                                £15 each or 10 for £140
*Megasoma Anubis- late L3 (35-45g)           £25 each (only 2 male larvae left)
Phalacrognathus Muelleri-L2                       £6 each or 10 for 55 (~15 left)
Phalacrognathus muelleri- L3                      £8 each
Goliathus orientalis preissi- L2                    £10 each or 10 for £80
*Goliathus orientalis preissi- L3                  £14 each or 10 for £130
*Goliathus orientalis preissi- big L3 sexed pair (male+female) £30 each
                                                L3 trio (male+2 females)           £42 each
Protaetia (cetonischema) aeruginosa- L1-L2 from red parents £1.5 each or 10 for £13 
Protaetia (cetonischema) speciosa jousselini- L1-L2   £3.5 each or 10 for £33  
Allomyrina dichotoma dichotoma- L1 (F1!)            £4 each or 10 for £35
                                                              (coming soon, eggs are hatching)
Dynastes granti- L1                                           £5.5 each or 10 for £50 
                                                              (coming soon, eggs are hatching)
*- determining sex of the larvae is possible
Payment is by paypal or bank transfer.
Postage:(Based on ~0.5 Kg parcel (prices may vary for different countries or orders)
Recorded postage: UK - £5, Europe - £12, rest of the world -£14.
Regular postage (at buyer's risk only): UK - £4, Europe-£7, rest of the world £9
Postage outside the EU: at buyer’s risk only
Ordering:  Please enquire about the items you would like to purchase, as they may become unavailable or prices may change.  You will receive the total for your order, no strings attached. Further discount is possible for big orders.

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Green and red Protaetia (cetonischema) aeruginosa live beetle video

Just uploaded videos showing two different colour variations of Protaetia (cetonischema) aeruginosa from my collection. Both beetles are stunning, very shiny. Adult beetles normally reach the size of 15-20 mm, and very easy to keep and breed. Adult beetles feed on any fruit really and their larvae will grow well in any decaying organic material such as leaf litter, rotten wood or compost. Plus they are totally safe, a bit shy beetles, and some of them can live several months, which makes them great pets.

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History Of The Title Breast Cancer Survivor Jewelry

By James Collins

There are various diseases killing many people globally such as cancer. When it is discovered early, chances of it being treated are high although there is no particular cure for it. It affects various parts in the body among breasts for ladies. Many have survived and have lived to share their experiences. Breast cancer survivor jewelry is gifts given to survivors as a way of encouragement.

Those that suffer from the illness endure rough periods from economic, disturbing, and religious to psychosomatic challenges. After enduring healing, some still find it difficult to manage it in life for lengthy periods. That is the call for support and empowers survivors helping them view life optimistically.

Those that have been treated and some still enduring with it got stories to let know for a lot of years ahead thus the declaration of breast cancer survivor. Its introduction created a verbal communication which is familiar to issues that face survivors. The declaration of the word cancer survivor was mainly used by persons who ailed from the illness however turned to have no more signs for a phase of 5 years.

Those people who did not qualify to become survivors were referred in the society as its victims. This is stigma and should not have been the case as it may make a patient lose hope. As people with the ailment continued to share their stories that is when the word was changed to cancer survivor. Since then, it has provided hope for even for the newly diagnosed and empowered them to active participants in their care.

Survivor is now a comprehensive for it includes relatives, caregivers and acquaintances of every survivor because they are directly affected too. Survivors will not be required to make use of this name as its not obligatory and they have the autonomy to use any word which makes them believe in themselves. Because of this, several refer to themselves as conquerors, thriver etc.

The challenge associated with the disease is for everyone to ensure they can stay alive for long and in a positive way. Strength is something they are needed to have especially when one is going for the scans and tests and patiently wait for bad or good news from the doctors. Its important for everyone to understand life must move on irrespective of the outcome.

Breasts are sometimes chopped off for some ladies so as to eliminate the disease completely and this can hurt a lady feelings for thinking she has lost her beauty. But if the society is responsible enough and support them, they will feel appreciated and be able to cope with life. Buying them jewelry with encouraging words written on them has been a norm and has changed the lives of many.

Being unfertile after healing of this ailment is a fateful as every female vision is to get children but understanding its not something that concludes your life is very critical and the culture should engage in the duty of cheering these survivors.

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May-June 2016 sale list

Dynastes hercules hercules- L1-early L2                 £7.5 each or 10 for £70
*Dynastes hercules hercules- mid to late L2           £8.5 each or 10 for £80 (~10 left)
*Dynastes hercules hercules- early L3                    £12 each or 10 for £110 (~10 left)
*Dynastes hyllus hyllus- L2                                    £5 each or 10 for £45
*Megasoma elephas elephas- L3 (20-30g)             £11 each or 10 for £100
*Megasoma elephas elephas- mid L3 (30g+)                   £14 each or 10 for £130
*Megasoma actaeon-earlyL3                                  £11 each or 10 for £85 (~10 left)
*Megasoma gyas porioni –late L2                          £12 each or 10 for £105
*Megasoma gyas porioni –early L3                         £14 each or 10 for £115
*Megasoma gyas porioni (midto late L3 50g+)       £20 each or 10 for £180 (~ 10 left) 
Phalacrognathus Muelleri-L2                                   £6 each or 10 for 55 (~15 left)
Phalacrognathus muelleri- mid L3                           £8 each (~10 left)
Goliathus orientalis preissi L1                                 £9 each or 10 for £80
Goliathus orientalis preissi L2                                 £11 each or 10 for £95 
Mecynorrhina torquata ugandensis L1 (photo of the parents                                                                                    £4.3 each or 10 for £40
Mecynorrhina torquata ugandensis L1 (photo of the parents )                                                                                            £4.3 each or 10 for 40
Dicronorhina derbyana conradsi-l2                          £2.5 each or 10 for £22 (~10 left)
*- determining sex of the larvae is possible 
Payment is by paypal or bank transfer. 

Postage:(Based on ~0.5 Kg parcel (the price may vary for different countries or increase for bigger orders)
Recorded postage: UK - £5, Europe - £11, rest of the world -£13.
Regular postage (at buyer's risk only): UK - £4, Europe-£7, rest of the world £8
Postage outside the EU: at buyer’s risk only.
Ordering:  Please enquire about the items you would like to purchase, as they may become unavailable or prices may change.  You will receive the total for your order, no strings attached. Further discount is possible for big orders.

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2016 spring larvae pricelist (updated 20.03.2016)

L1 - Dynastes hercules hercules -                          £7.5 each or 10 for £70
L2 - Dynastes hercules hercules -                          £8.5 each or 10 for £80
L1 - Dynastes hyllus hyllus -                                 £5 each or 10 for £45
L3 – Dynastes satanas - 2 late L3 (50g+) male larvae available,
                                                                        £35 each
L1 - Dynastes granti -                                          £6 each - coming soon!
L1 - Megasoma elephas elephas -                          £7.5 each or 10 for £70
L2 - Megasoma elephas elephas -                          £8.5 each or 10 for £80
L3 - Megasoma elephas elephas, early L3 -             £11 each
L2 - Megasoma actaeon -                                     £8.5 each or 10 for £80
L1 - Megasoma gyas porioni -                                £11 each or 10 for £100
L2 - Megasoma gyas porioni -                                £13 each or 10 for £120
L3 - Megasoma gyas porioni (mid L3 30g+) -           £20 each or 10 for £180
L1-2 - Mecynorrhina torquata ugandensis (dark blue parents)
                                                                         £4 each or 10 for £35
L1-2 - Mecynorrhina torquata ugandensis (dark blue vs brown green parents) -                                                                          £3.5 each or 10 for £30
L1-2 - Dicronorhina derbyana conradsi -                   £2 each or 10 for £18
L1 - Phalacrognathus muelleri (rainbow stag) -         £5 each
L2 - Phalacrognathus muelleri (rainbow stag) -         £6 each
L3 - Phalacrognathus muelleri (rainbow stag) -         £8 each
L1 - Goliathus orientalis preissi -                            £9 each - coming soon!
L1- L2 - Mecynorrhina torquata immaculicollis -   £3.5 each or 10 for £30 coming soon!

Sexing of larvae is possible from the late L2 stage for some flower and rhino beetle larvae.

Payment: Paypal, no extra charge.

Postage:  (Based on ~0.5 Kg parcel (the price may increase for big orders))
Recorded postage: UK - £5, Europe - £10, rest of the world - £12.
Regular postage (at buyer's risk only):  UK - £4, Europe-£6, rest of the      world £7
The larvae will be available for postage in April to most destinations. 
UK’s postage until mid-end April will require a heatpack (+£1)
Postage outside the EU: at buyer’s risk only.
Please note, that the night temperature at destination should be at least +7-8°C, since many of the tropical species may not survive long term exposure to the cold.

Ordering:  Please enquire about the items you would like to purchase, as they may become unavailable or the prices may change.  You will receive the total for your order, no strings attached. Further discount is possible for big orders.

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Megasoma elephas elephas breeding report (care sheet)

A giant rhino beetle Megasoma elephas elephas is magnificent species from neotropical ecozone which lives in tropical forests from Southern Mexico to Venezuela. The males are one of the largest beetles in the world reaching over 13 cm in size. Considering the fact that the beetle's elytron is also quite wide, the adult beetles look and feel (when handled:) massive. In nature the adult beetles feed on sweet sap from trees and ripe fruits, whereas the larvae are found in decayed organic plant material, such as rotten wood.
Megasoma elephas elephas is one of my favourite species as these beetles are relatively easy to keep and breed. 


Once the eggs are hatched, the larvae normally consume the egg's skin and start feeding on substrate right away. The speed of the development of the larvae depends on the temperature and nutritional value of the substrate. The temperature between 18-25C is fine for the larvae. The substrate for the new larvae should be finely mulched, preferable with some forest humus in it, which the larvae will readily consume. I noticed that my M.e.e. larvae developed quicker on the substrate composed mainly of decayed leaf litter with occasional supplement with dog food pellets,  rather than on the rotten wood or fermented rotten wood. The humidity of the substrate can be from quite moist to just moist; the larvae develop normally in both of them. The larvae of a similar size can be kept together in small containers. The only condition is that the area of the bottom of the container should be large enough for all the larvae to stay at the lower level. It is important that the box should have enough holes for a good air circulation, in order to prevent the accumulation of toxic ammonia derived compounds. The substrate can be replaced only after the most of it was consumed by the larvae. On average the L1 stage of the larvae takes from 3 to 5 weeks, the L2 stage of the larvae takes 6-9 weeks, and the L3 stage takes from 8-16 months. The larvae molt to change their head capsule, as this part does not grow, so the larvae of different stages differ by the size of the head capsule.  The good-developed female larva reaches the pupation weight at 60g+, when for the male larvae this weight is 90g+. The male larvae can be as heavy as 140g+. Once the larvae have reached this weight and  became yellowish in colour it is then transferred into the bigger box for the pupation. The larvae creates the pupation chamber which is quite big, so the volume of the substrate needs to be taken into consideration. The lower layer of the subtrate in the pupation box should be replaced with some potting or top forest soil; this will help the larvae to form sturdy pupal cells. For example, for 4 big larvae the pupation box should be at least 25-30L in volume. It takes 2-3 months for the larvae to form the chamber and pupate. During this period the larvae should not be disturbed. The larva often creates the chamber next to the wall of the container so its transformation can be observed through the translucent wall of the box. Normally after 3 months waiting I remove the pupae and transfer them into the artificial pupal chambers. 

Left- the pupal chamber constructed near the wall of the container. Middle - opened camber with a female pupa inside. Right - the male pupa.

When the pupa turns into an adult beetle it requires about several days for its elytra to harden completely. After that the beetle stays inactive for 4-6 weeks. The active adults will eat any sweet ripe fruit such as pear, but overripe banana or beetle jelly will be the best food for them. The temperature should be between 20-25C and the level of humidity in the enclosure should be high, as naturally they live in a humid tropical environment. The beetles have very long legs and are very grabby, so sometimes it takes quite an effort to take it off your hand. 
Although many breeders suggest feeding the female of a rhino beetle for about 2 weeks before mating, I did not see any significant difference in number of eggs laid between "pre-fed" and fresh females, especially if you are going to have only one pair of adults in the breeding box. The egg laying setup is similar to any rhino beetle setup; the potting soil is mixed with some mulched decayed leaves and wood and the lower layer is compressed with a hand. A few bigger chunks of wood should be placed at the top of the soil so the beetle could grab if it flips over. The eggs and the fresh larvae can be collected after about 1.5-2 months. The female may lay somewhere between 30 and 60 eggs, but sometimes more.  The most of the eggs will be laid in the compressed bottom layer of the box.

Left- freshly eclosed male, right photo - female, both with still soft elytra

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