

The hidden forces behind “Jew hate"

On Feb 26, 2014, at 19:45, ReporterNotebook wrote:

“Deep down, I believe that a little anti-Semitism is a good thing for the Jews – reminds them who they are" (New York Times Magazine, February 12, 1995 p. 65).

These comments were made by Jay Lefkowitz,  a lawyer, who served as President Bush’s Special Envoy for Human Rights. The fact that the comments originated with a lawyer is uncanny, but even more so because of his background and his status as a Special Envoy for Human Rights in North Korea. What the comments really demonstrate is that a desirable amount of anti-Semitism – Mr. Lefkowitz needs “a little anti-Semitism", not a lot – whenever absent, can and must be induced by provocation to perpetuate the cause for Jewish group stratagem.

Dear ReporterNotebook

Actually a great deal, not just a little "Jew hate," delights the rabbis, because it keeps otherwise independent-minded, dissenting Judaics inside tribal boundaries. Nazis and neo-Nazis give a tremendous boost to the rabbis in this regard. Where there is no "Jew hate" the frum rabbis or their agents will instigate it.

What they fear the most is someone like Prof. Alexander McCaul who loved Judaic people while militantly exposing the ideology of Judaism as expressed in its Talmudic and successor texts. He loved the sinner but hated the sin. The Sanhedrin can't handle that.

The McCaul type of approach led to the Haskalah and the rise of Reform Judaism which was deeply embarrassed by the contents of the Talmud. Out of that initial step there arose the Edmund Husserl type of pro-Christian German: a patriot in World War I and a Judaic who put the interests of the land of Germany ahead of the tribe of Judaics. Oswald Spengler was bitterly disappointed that Adolf Hitler did not include some of these patriotic German-Judaics in his government.

What Spengler did not know was that Hitler had been indoctrinated into a New Age occult gnosis (actually a deep cover Kabbalistic front) that taught that  all Judaic persons are a sub-human species who are congenitally evil.

Notice the clearly rabbinic nature of this race hatred, which  mirrors the Talmud's view of the goyim, as well as the Lubavitch Alter Rebbe's extreme denigration of goyim as completely soulless (cf. “kelipot” in Opening the Tanya, p. 43).

The Grand Rabbi of Lubavitch, the "Failed Messiah" Menachem Mendel Schneerson, was a huge admirer of Hitler who he viewed as a divinely appointed avenger on Judaics like Husserl who had forsaken Chazal, e.g. the Talmud  (cf. Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 38).

Michael Hoffman

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