

An Appeal

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On the Contrary cannot continue in its present form (with columns by Michael Hoffman) without financial support from the thousands of people who read it and do not assist in ensuring its continuation.

[If you have donated to On the Contrary in the past three months, or if you are unemployed, disabled or on a fixed income, ignore this message, it is not intended for you].

Here are just a few of the columns by Michael Hoffman transmitted free of charge to readers of this blog:

In Defense of Norman Rockwell 

Cardinal Sch?nborn: Zauberlehrling of the Black Nobility

Breast-Cancer Report Helps Trace the Origins of Fake "Jews"

Pope Francis: Judaism serves the true God 

JFK Assassination Conspiracy: Select Bibliography

Phantom gas chamber epistemology from the NSA 

Thought cop Cass Sunstein “reviewing" the NSA for Obama 

Riot at SSPX Funeral for Priebke highlights Vatican Hypocrisy

Rabbi Ovadia’s Record of Hate Speech Sanitized by the Media

Silas Chandler: African-American in the Confederate Army

Yom Kippur and the Kol Nidrei Liar's Liturgy 

Yom Kippur superstitions of pagan Judaism 

Cryptocracy's Syria script is unraveling

If the Hoffman columns were not transmitted via On the Contrary, who or what would take our place?We need your support to continue this service! Please make a generous contribution today.

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