

Judaism’s Eternal Curse on Christians

REVISIONIST HISTORY NEWSLETTER no. 70JUDAISM'S ETERNAL CURSE ON CHRISTIANS Denied for centuries, this bigoted curse from the misnamed “Amidah blessings” is proved by Michael Hoffman, using the forensic methods of exhaustive research and detailed documentation which are a hallmark of his revisionist pursuit of truth wherever it may lead. Revisionist History newsletter no. 70 explores Talmudism’s murderous ritual curse on the Christians, a curse which has echoed perpetually down the corridors of time since at least the days of Rabbi Gamliel, and continues in our time. Citing the Babylonian Talmud, cognate sacred rabbinic texts and the heretofore clandestine statements of the rabbis themselves, Hoffman offers incontrovertible evidence of the eternal hostility which Orthodox Judaism harbors for western civilization, which it ritually curses as malkhut zadon (the "empire of insolence"). Also included in this issue is a survey of the secret and ancient alliance between Judaism and Islam. The American Right imagines that Judaism is united to the West culturally and has good will toward the U.S. in particular. The truth of the matter is very different, as revisionist historian Hoffman demonstrates with his usual exactitude. Also in this issue: Black Journalist Exposes Anti-White Hollywood Movie, “12 Years a Slave.” Revisionist History is a hard copy publication for subscribers. Contents do not appear online.AN INTRODUCTION TO MARTIN LUTHER'S VIEWS ON JUDAISMFormerly available only as the first CD in the 9 CD set of Hoffman reading from Luther's book, we are offering this CD as a stand alone product for individual purchase by those who do not wish to purchase the whole set of 9 CDs consisting of Hoffman's recitation of Luther's book (if you purchased that set then don't buy this CD, because you already own it). Hoffman clarifies Luther's position and presents the pros and cons of Luther's teachings on Judaism and Judaic persons. Outstanding nuggets of revisionist history will be found here! Approx. 45 minutes. Audio CD.____________________________________

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