

National Summit on the Israeli Lobby this morning on C-Span TV and online

National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship" today, March 7, on C-SPAN 3 via cable or satellite TV 9 am to 5 pm Eastern Standard TimePanelists include Professor Stephen Walt (author of  "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy"), and Ernie Gallo, a survivor of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that killed 34 Americans and injured 174. Schedule (all times are Eastern)1. How does the Israel lobby influence Congress?  9:00 AMPaul Findley - Should the executive outmaneuver Congress to save Palestine and Israel?Janet McMahon - The Israel lobby network and coordinated PACs that finance U.S. elections.Cynthia McKinney - In the Israel lobby's cross-hairs.Delinda Hanley - U.S. aid to Israel in numbers.2. Does Israel and its lobby exercise too much influence on U.S. decisions to wage war in the Middle East? 10:15 AMStephen Sniegoski - Neoconservatives and the Iraq War.Karen Kwiatkowski - Inside the Pentagon's "Office of Special Plans."Gareth Porter - The "manufactured crisis" and drive for U.S. / Israel military actions against Iran.Brigadier General (ret) James J. David - How does U.S. military aid to Israel impact relations with other U.S. allies?3. Does the "special relationship" transcend rule of law? 11:15 AM Grant F. Smith - A brief history of unprosecuted Israeli foreign agent, smuggling and espionage cases.Ernie Gallo - The U.S.S Liberty: what really happened? What did not?Mark Perry - Mossad poses as CIA? No-holds-barred national security reporting in the current environment.M.E. "Spike" Bowman - The Jonathan Pollard Affair: what does it mean and what does it not mean?4. History: How did the "special relationship" come to be? 12:45 PMStephen Walt - The "special relationship" and what has changed since publication of "The Israel Lobby" bookGeoffrey Wawro- Key findings from the book "Quicksand" and what happens to historians who revise history.John Quigley - 1967, international law and cost of U.S. support for the occupation.Alison Weir - Findings from the new book "Against Our Better Judgment"5. Has the lobby captured political parties and news media? 2:15 PMJeff Blankfort - Are there Israel lobby gatekeepers and damage control squads on the Left?Allen Brownfeld - The ACJ and battles over Zionism inside Jewish social welfare organizations.Justin Raimondo - Has the Israel lobby captured the Right?Scott McConnell - Did Neoconservatives take over GOP foreign policy?Philip Weiss - What is changing in "permissible" mainstream public debate—and what is not?6. Is Israel really a U.S. ally? 3:45 PMMichael Scheuer - Does U.S. support for Israel expose America to blowback?Paul Pillar - Are threats to Israel's security inflated to justify occupation and U.S. support?Ray McGovern - Does Israel act like a U.S. ally?Philip Giraldi - Is Israel a U.S. ally?C-SPAN 3 on cable or satellite television 9 am to 5 pm Eastern Standard Time(Thanks to Michael Santomauro for the alert)

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