

Journalist claims that Mel Gibson is now friendly towards Judaism

Allison Weiner says that Gibson is to compensate the Jewish communityNote from the editor: Justice with Mel Gibson, we must bear in mind that the establishment media is almost always trying to discredit him, and therefore, we should consider the possibility that this is only partially true, or maybe even a complete fantasy. Also remember that money is not everything and that Mr. Gibson is probably under enormous pressure personal and professional and pressure, a talented actor and director who has had little or nothing to do with the scale that once lived for decades, and a family life that may still be on the floor. Not everyone can think clearly in these difficult circumstances.

However, to be fair with the right the public has to decide for themselves, note that Mr Gibson is a wealthy man and has the resources to correct factual errors made by Allison Hope Weiner, the author of the following trial, if so. On the other hand, and this is where it becomes complicated, may be that he would not do that because such a correction would only add fuel to the Festival "Gibson hate" of the media. Consequently, we must not conclude that if it does not seek to publicly correct or counter Weiner supposed memories, necessarily mean that it is a true account of their activities and statements.

With these caveats in mind and wanting to give the benefit of the doubt to Gibson, would not be immoral or unjust to say that if this report by Weiner is accurate in all its essential details, it is disappointing Mr Gibson would seem to be complacent towards Judaism and donate money for "Charitable causes" of Judaism in the way in which the Miss Weiner alleges.

Please note that we are publishing excerpts from his article. Readers may wish to consult your entire essay, which is available at the URL provided below. -Michael Hoffman

(Hoffman served as a volunteer researcher for Gibson in 2003, compiled at the request of a dossier on theological matters relating to the passion of the Christ, before his debut in theatres).

Statement of 10th anniversary of 'The passion of the Christ' - journalistHollywood, Mel Gibson and his blacklist of takeSpecial term | March 11, 2014
...I say unto you, that my friend Mel Gibson has met. It is sober for seven years, going to the gym for a role in an independent film and thinking positively about the future. It has been a decade since Mel Gibson made the passion of the Christ and saw it become the highest-grossing independent film with $612 million in worldwide ticket sales. In the years that followed, Gibson made several comments that was made public, made him seem racist and anti-Semite. He was named persona non grata at major studios and agencies, the same that working with other people who have committed crimes and made things far more serious than Gibson, which is essentially used the language as a lethal weapon.

.. .As journalist who reviled Gibson in The New York Times and Entertainment Weekly up to my coverage allowed me to get to know him, I want to argue here that it is time for those agencies from Hollywood studios to end his silence blacklists of Mel Gibson.

Once Hollywood's biggest film star whose film Braveheart won five Oscars and whose collective box office amounts to $3.6 billion...(i) t has been 11 years since they paid for a large Studio to star in a movie and has not directed a film study from Braveheart won five Oscars including best film and best Director.

I came to reconsider my rough estimation once I got to know the man...This crystallized when we met families of the other. It was difficult to blame her family for being skeptical of a journalist, but problems with my family was more difficult. Gibson asked to meet them at the bar mitzvah of my son holding. Imagine the scene: a room full of Jews. It goes to the person who, in their minds, might be the most notorious anti-Semite in America. Gibson attended alone and I can only imagine what was going through his mind when he came to the party...Before the end of the night, was talking with many of my relatives, saw, curious, charming man and not the devil read you about. Gutsier, attended our quick dinner break of Yom Kipur. Who has attended such a meeting knows that there is imposing anything more to make friends in a room full of Jews who have not eaten in 24 hours.

...In his second apology in the anti-Semitic statements, Gibson promised to reach out to the Jewish leaders. Gibson followed encounter with a variety of them. It gave me their names when I asked him, but Gibson wants not to publish them because I don't want it dragged controversy public or worse, I think that he was using. Meetings were not a photo with him, he said, but rather his desire to understand Judaism and personally apologize for the cruel things said.

He has learned much about the Jewish religion, friendship with a number of rabbis and attending their part of Shabbat dinners, Easter Hillel and Rosh Hashan? and Yom Kipur dinners. I think that effort, along with our conversations, helped him to understand why Jewish people reacted as they did to the passion of the Christ and why there was support of the Jews by the Second Vatican Council.

Gibson has quietly donated millions to Jewish charitable causes, in keeping with one of the highest forms of Tzedakah in the Jewish faith, when the recipient does not know his identity.

...I have discussed the Holocaust with Gibson and if their views differ from his father (Hutton Gibson). As he refused to condemn his father in that TV interview with Diane Sawyer, Gibson declined to discuss her father with me. Similar to what Sawyer, Gibson said that he believed that the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust.

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